Volunteer Projects


Crisis Nursery Projects

The Crisis Nurseries can be used for preventing abuse and neglect of children, stress breaks, medical emergencies, appointments, legal obligations, job searching, interviews, family emergencies, and other crisis situations.

Care at a FSC's Crisis Nursery is provided in renovated older homes with warm, home-like atmospheres, situated in quiet residential neighborhoods. 

Foster grandparents and trained volunteers also assist in caring for children. Many of the house staff are bilingual, which ensures access by all members of the Salt Lake County's diverse population.

Lifestart Village projects

The mission of the Family Support Center's LifeStart Village is to move single parents with children from dependency to self-sufficiency. In FSC's LifeStart Village, single parents and their children move from homelessness or near homelessness into safe, stable housing where they develop the necessary skills to create a stable, nurturing environment.

In the dorm-like Phase I, and under the direction of a full time director, the parents learn to become self-sufficient. They receive Life Focus training, parent education, financial budgeting education, are assisted in completing their GED and acquiring and maintaining adequate employment.

Upon completion of Phase I, parents have the opportunity to graduate to a self-sufficient rental town home or cottage, Phase II.

Group Projects