Scenic Nature Walk in the Heart of Salt Lake City

Things to Do with Kids in Salt Lake City

Spend a day in the shade with the family as you explore hundreds of species of trees from all over the world

Things to Do with Kids in Salt Lake City

Do you feel like your family has already done and seen everything there is to do in Salt Lake City? Are there no more surprises in Utah? Whether you prefer the outdoors and endless canyons or your family is more likely found at the Clark Planetarium or Leonardo, chances are you’ve yet to visit the State Arboretum of Utah of Salt Lake City.

The State Arboretum of Utah is a 1,500-acre state arboretum that spans the entire campus of the University of Utah, from President’s Circle all the way through historic Fort Douglas.

The University of Utah Tree Tour features a unique interactive app which maps all 372 unique species of trees from all over the world grown throughout the campus. Each tree comes with its own QR Code to help with easy ID.

The University of Utah Tree Tour features more than 12,000 trees in just 1,500 acres including the Giant Sequoia, Norway Maple, Gingko Biloba, Mongolian Oak, Ohio Buckeye, Hardy Rubber Tree, Japanese Lilac and many more.

Cottam's Gulch - University of Utah

Cottam’s Gulch - University of Utah

University of Utah Tree Tour app

University of Utah Interactive Tree Tour Map

In our 45 years of strengthening Utah’s families, the Family Support Center has always tried to guide families towards healthier and more unique local activities to help nourish the mind and body.

Especially in these recent economic hardships, there aren’t too many family activities that are truly free any more. The 1,500-acre State Arboretum at the University of Utah is completely free of charge and its more than 12,000 trees provide plenty of shade for your family to picnic and stay cool. And if you thought this place is great in summer, just wait around for autumn!

In an effort to provide more free activities and resources to Salt Lake families in these uncertain times, the Family Support Center offers several Classes and Groups for kids, teens, and adults.

Classes and Groups are 8-week sessions that help promote healthy minds and habits, such as taking a scenic tour of an arboretum, or any number of activities to help Strengthen Families, Protect Children, and Prevent Abuse in Utah.

Follow us as we announce more Classes and Groups coming this fall!

White Mulberry Tree - University of Utah Tree Tour

White Mulberry

Norway Maple - University of Utah Tree Tour

Norway Maple

London Planetree (Sycamore)

Kentucky Coffee Tree - University of Utah Tree Tour

Kentucky Coffee Tree

Ohio Buckeye - University of Utah Tree Tour

Ohio Buckeye

American Linden - University of Utah Tree Tour

American Linden

Chokecherry - University of Utah Tree Tour


Dawn Redwood - University of Utah Tree Tour

Dawn Redwood

Rocky Mountain Juniper - University of Utah Tree Tour

Rocky Mountain Juniper

Hardy Rubber Tree - University of Utah Tree Tour

Hardy Rubber Tree

Giant Sequoia - University of Utah Tree Tour

Giant Sequoia

Mimosa (Silktree) - University of Utah Tree Tour

Mimosa (Silktree)

Japanese Pagoda Tree - University of Utah Tree Tour

Japanese Pagoda Tree